Answered By: Claire Sewell
Last Updated: Apr 20, 2020     Views: 319

The library offers a comprehensive collection of eresources that are available remotely.

Unless otherwise stated, access to eresources off-campus are normally provided only to current staff and students of the University.

When you are off-campus it is recommended that you use iDiscover to search for eresources you are looking for.

Useful places to start looking for these resources are:

 iDiscover search using the 'Articles and online resources' option

 iDiscover Databases

 iDiscover e-Journal search


Most of the time clicking on a resource will generate a Raven login screen for you to complete and then take you through to the resource.

If you have trouble accessing an ebook or an article when you're not on the Cambridge network, test your Raven access and contact the UIS Service Desk if it isn't working. If your Raven access works but the resource doesn't, contact the eresources team and let them know what you're trying to access and what the problem is.