Answered By: Sonya Adams
Last Updated: Apr 15, 2020     Views: 144

Renewing a book on loan is possible from your mobile device or a laptop/desktop computer.

  • From your mobile device, go to iDiscover
  • Or likewise, from your laptop/desktop, go to iDiscover

From there, click the top right hand link 'Log into my iDiscover'. Log in to your account using your library barcode (the 5-digit code starting with a V on the back of your blue University card) and password. If you don't have your password choose the 'need help signing in' link or contact Reader Services for help on

Click on the 'My Loans' tab to view the books you have out from all libraries, and click on the description of the ones you want to renew. (NB. Remember to scroll down the list to see all your books. Scroll to view and click to renew ... and you’re done!)

If your renewal request is successful, the book will display as "Renewed" and the new due date will appear. You will receive an automatic reminder message before the new date via email.

If the books didn't renew - what should you do? Online renewals typically don't work if:

  • The book is already overdue
  • Someone else has recalled it
  • You've reached your renewal limit (these will vary from library to library)

Each library has its own renewals policy—check the one for your library via its website, or ask a member of staff. If you can’t renew online, contact the relevant library as soon as possible for help. You can get contact details from the Libraries Directory.