Answered By: Simon Goose
Last Updated: Jun 26, 2024     Views: 40

If the article is only available as part of a subscription to a journal, and the University does not subscribe to the journal, you may find that the article is available in print format in one of the Cambridge Libraries.  Use iDiscover to search for the journal and check the holdings of the libraries to see if the print version may be available.

If the print version is not available, you can request the article to be delivered as an Inter-Library Loan.  There is a small charge for this service.  More information is available on the University Library Inter-Library Loan pages.   You may be able to obtain an ILL from your own Faculty or Department Library also.

If your need is for the journal per se, or you know that others would benefit from subscription access, please recommend that the University subscribes to the journal using the Recommendation form here.  Please be advised that decision on new subscriptions are taken during each of the three academic terms, so the start of the new subscription will not be immediate and a better way to get fast access is using the Inter-Library Loan service.