Answered By: Simon Goose
Last Updated: Jun 26, 2024     Views: 8

There are several reasons why this might happen.

The ebooks@cambridge team tries their best to ensure that all ebook titles are searchable in iDiscover. There are three ebook collections where this is not possible owing to supplier or financial contraints; for this reason you will not be able to find ebooks included in apabi Digital Library, Early English Books Online and Eighteenth Century Collections Online in iDiscover. You can access these ebook platforms from the ‘Find ebooks’ tab of the ebooks@cambridge LibGuide.

For some of our major ebook collections, newly published titles are added to iDiscover on a monthly basis, so these titles can be available on the host platform a month or sometimes two before their records are received from the publisher and loaded into iDiscover. If you find an example where a record for an available ebook title is missing from iDiscover then please get in touch with the ebooks team via, we will be happy to add a record or let you know when the record is expected.

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