Answered By: Simon Goose
Last Updated: Jun 26, 2024     Views: 77

On some platforms (Dawsonera, Ebook Central, EBSCOHost and VLeBooks) you will find ebooks that are restricted to a limited number of concurrent users. If you see this message or similar then the limit for the ebook you are trying to use has been reached. You will need to wait until one of the users finishes with the ebook before you can access it, it could be worth trying again in 15 minutes. Dawsonera, Ebook Central and VLeBooks let you join a waiting list and receive a notification when the book becomes available.

Some ebooks clearly display the number of users who can access the content concurrently. All ebook titles on Ebook Central display availability where you will see the following example statements:

‘Your institution has access to 3 copies of this book.’

‘Your institution has unlimited access to this book.’

The ebooks@cambridge team receives a ‘turnaway’ report every time one of our users tries and fails to access a title for this reason. We use this information to purchase upgrades where funds allow.

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