Answered By: Simon Goose
Last Updated: Jun 26, 2024     Views: 20

Currently the University does not provide any free reference management tool.   The University Information Services does subscribe to a licence for EndNote which means that you can get a personal copy of the EndNote software at a reduced cost.  The link to obtain EndNote by this route can be found here.   The UIS includes the following information in its "nearly-free software" portfolio:

"Our site licence does not at this time include student use.  There is an academic version available for purchase at a reasonable price through Bilaney Consultants.  You will need to select the University of Cambridge as your institution and click on the link to continue to find the available products."

Help on exporting references found in iDiscover to reference managers is available in section 4 of the iDiscover "Exporting your results" guide.  As of October 2018 there is no connection file available for searching iDiscover from within EndNote, though this may be available in future (indicated by the UIS FAQ).

Help and guidance on reference management generally and on Zotero and Mendeley is provided by the Cambridge LibGuide on Reference management.

There is an introduction to reference management programs supported by UIS: EndNote, Mendeley and Zotero, available here: Reference Management Programs.

EndNote is available for use, uncharged, with Web of Science.   You first need to register for an account on WoS via the "Sign in" link at top right of the WoS home page here.   On any search results page you can save citations in WoS to EndNote by ticking the tick box next to any citation record and selecting "Save to EndNote desktop" or "Save to EndNote Online".  Citations saved to your EndNote library will display in WoS with the label "EN" beside the citation record.   There is further help using EndNote from the suppliers of WoS, Clarivate Analytics, available here.