In response to the issues you have been having, accessing eresources through iDiscover, the following information has been provided by the lib-raven team at the University Library.
If you are having problems logging into iDiscover, with your RAVEN account, please be aware that this not required when accessing eresources. Simply use the search facility in iDiscover (without logging at all) and log in with your RAVEN credentials when prompted to do so by the resource you are trying to access.
Logging in to iDiscover gives you access to circulation/borrowing services (such as MyLibrary account) and functionality that allows you to request and recall items. It is dependent on you having an active patron account on the UL’s library management system – ALMA.
Please contact reader registrations at the UL by emailing for further information regarding patron accounts.
For further information regarding accessing eresources please see the following websites
You can also contact the UL’s lib-raven helpdesk at