To save bibliographic details from iDiscover to Zotero, follow these steps:
- Ensure that Zotero is running on your device
- Open the full record for the item that you wish to save in your browser by clicking on it
- Depending on what the item is, your Zotero browser icon should change (i.e. a book symbol for a book)
- Click on the Zotero browser icon to save as per usual
- The item’s biblipgraphic information should now appear in your Zotero library
Please note that while the bibliographic data in iDiscover has been prepared as accurately as possible, it can sometimes appear differently in Zotero. Be sure to check that everything has been pulled through correctly and that you don’t have any duplications. Issues have been spotted in the past with the publication date field and the display of author names so you might need to make some minor corrections before using Zotero to create any citations or references lists in your work.