The easiest way to find a specific book is to use iDiscover. Enter some search terms (e.g. the author's surname, or some keywords from the title), and then click the magnifying glass symbol or press Enter.
If you get too many results, you may want to search again, adding a few more keywords. Alternatively, you can use the options on the page to refine the search in other ways.
In the sidebar on the right-hand side of the page there are lots more options for refining your search, including a list where you can select a particular library to search. This might be useful if you want to limit your search to your college or faculty library. (There is also a drop-down list of libraries in the search bar that you can use to limit by library.)
Clicking on a title on the results page brings up more detail about the book, including which libraries hold a copy, the classmark (where to find it on the shelf), and whether it is available or out on loan. Some libraries in Cambridge use different library computer systems, and in those cases the item status will display as 'May be available'. To learn more, contact the library in question or go to their website.
Where there are different versions of a book, clicking on "See all versions" will expand the list to show them all. You can then click on the one you want to get its details.
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