Answered By: Sonya Adams
Last Updated: Aug 17, 2019     Views: 349

Around 60% of books and journals in the UL are stored in closed access areas. These items need to be requested in advance and are then fetched for you by staff members. Don't worry: it usually only takes between 15-45 minutes to fetch a book. The item’s iDiscover entry should tell you which reading room you can order the book from.

For example, you can see the book below is ordered to the West Room:


Books ordered to the Main Reading Room or the West Room are usually available to request online. The online request option is visible if you are logged in to your library account on iDiscover and have the full record open.


If there is no online request option, then you can order the book by completing a printed request form. These forms are available in the reading room where to the item is ordered to.   


See also: How do I log in to my library account on iDiscover?